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News & Events
March 17, 2016


Steve Summers ( U.S.A.) — President
Philippe Makowski (France) — Vice-President
Raymond Cléroux (Canada) — Treasurer
Helen Borrie (Australia/NZ) — Secretary


Paul Beach (France) 
Carlos Cantu (Brazil) 
Pavel Cisar (Czech Republic) 
Fabio Codebue (Italy) 
Alexey Kovyazin (Russia) 
Dmitry Kuzmenko (Russia) 
Stephanie McColl (Australia) 
Thomas Vedel (Denmark)  
Jason Wharton (U.S.A.) 
Dmitry Yemanov (Russia) 


Steve Summers ( U.S.A.) — President
Philippe Makowski (France) — Vice-President
Raymond Cléroux (Canada) — Treasurer
Helen Borrie (Australia/NZ) — Secretary


Paul Beach (France) 
Carlos Cantu (Brazil) 
Pavel Cisar (Czech Republic) 
Fabio Codebue (Italy) 
Alexey Kovyazin (Russia) 
Dmitry Kuzmenko (Russia) 
Stephanie McColl (Australia) 
Thomas Vedel (Denmark)  
Jason Wharton (U.S.A.) 
Dmitry Yemanov (Russia) 
March 13, 2016

The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 2.2.10.

The following has been changed or fixed in Jaybird 2.2.10:

  • Improvement: Transmit encrypted password (isc_dpb_password_enc and isc_spb_password_enc) in pure java protocol (JDBC-406)
  • Improvement: Specify isc_tpb_lock_timeout in transaction mapping (JDBC-407)
  • Fixed: DatabaseMetaData.supportsGetGeneratedKeys does not report real availability of generated keys feature (JDBC-412)
  • Fixed: FBCachedClob throws SQLException instead of SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (JDBC-414)
  • Fixed: Transaction mapping cannot be configured through JDBC URL (JDBC-421)
  • Fixed: FBSQLWarning.getMessage() could return null instead of message (JDBC-423)

See the JDBC driver download page for download links. The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18, jaybird-jdk17, or jaybird-jdk16.

The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 2.2.10.

The following has been changed or fixed in Jaybird 2.2.10:

  • Improvement: Transmit encrypted password (isc_dpb_password_enc and isc_spb_password_enc) in pure java protocol (JDBC-406)
  • Improvement: Specify isc_tpb_lock_timeout in transaction mapping (JDBC-407)
  • Fixed: DatabaseMetaData.supportsGetGeneratedKeys does not report real availability of generated keys feature (JDBC-412)
  • Fixed: FBCachedClob throws SQLException instead of SQLFeatureNotSupportedException (JDBC-414)
  • Fixed: Transaction mapping cannot be configured through JDBC URL (JDBC-421)
  • Fixed: FBSQLWarning.getMessage() could return null instead of message (JDBC-423)

See the JDBC driver download page for download links. The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18, jaybird-jdk17, or jaybird-jdk16.

March 12, 2016
Alexander Potapchenko is happy to announce that he has released the v.2.0.4 ODBC/JDBC driver for Firebird. What's New document, sources and binaries for Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit are ready to download.
Alexander Potapchenko is happy to announce that he has released the v.2.0.4 ODBC/JDBC driver for Firebird. What's New document, sources and binaries for Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit are ready to download.