Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesCompatibility with Older Versions → Reverting to Firebird 1.0.x
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Reverting to Firebird 1.0.x

Because of a large number of bug-fixes, the behaviour of databases might change if you downgrade a v.1.5 database to v.1.0.x. Especially, if you create primary, unique and foreign keys as named constraints, the default index names will be incompatible with v.1.0.x Watch out for a future README detailing any such issues as might appear.

Prev: Concurrently-running ServersFirebird Documentation IndexUp: Compatibility with Older VersionsNext: Linux Compatibilities
Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesCompatibility with Older Versions → Reverting to Firebird 1.0.x