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Sub-release 2.0.4

This sub-release does not add any new functionality to the database engine. Several important bugs have been fixed, including a number of unregistered nbackup bugs that were found to cause database corruptions under high-load conditions.

During Firebird 2.1 development it was discovered that Forced Writes had never worked on Linux, in either the InterBase or the Firebird era. That was fixed in V.2.1 and backported to this sub-release.

The issue with events over WNet protocol reported below for v.2.0.3 has been fixed. The full list of bugs fixed in V.2.0.4 is in the bugfixes chapter and also in the separate bug fixes document associated with V.2.1, which you can download from the Documentation Index at the Firebird website.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.0.6 Release NotesGeneral Notes → Sub-release 2.0.4