Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Vulcan Release Notes v. 1.1Process Architecture → SQL Integration
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SQL Integration

Shared Metadata Cache
Internal SQL Execution

Firebird Vulcan moves SQL processing from the Y-valve into the database engine. This has several advantages.

Shared Metadata Cache

The SuperServer version of Firebird maintains a metadata cache within the engine and a metadata cache for each connection. Building a new metadata cache is a significant part of the cost of establishing a new connection.

In a Firebird Vulcan shared server, all connections share a single copy of metadata.

Internal SQL Execution

In Firebird Vulcan internal metadata management uses internal statements like this:

PStatement statement = connection->prepareStatement (
        "    vrel.RDB$CONTEXT_NAME,"
        "    vrel.RDB$RELATION_NAME"
        "  FROM RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS vrel"
        "  WHERE vrel.RDB$VIEW_NAME = ?");

statement->setString(1, viewName);
RSet resultSet = statement->executeQuery();

while (resultSet->next())
        const char *contextName = resultSet->getString(1);
        const char *relationName = resultSet->getString(2);


Moving away from GDML and gpre is hard, but necessary.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Vulcan Release Notes v. 1.1Process Architecture → SQL Integration