Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5 Language Ref. UpdatePSQL statements → DECLARE [VARIABLE] with initialization
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DECLARE [VARIABLE] with initialization


Find a more recent version at Firebird 5.0 Language Reference: DECLARE VARIABLE

Available in: PSQL

Changed in: 1.5

Description: In Firebird 1.5 and above, a PSQL local variable can be initialized upon declaration. The VARIABLE keyword has become optional.


DECLARE [VARIABLE] varname datatype [{= | DEFAULT} value];


create procedure proccie (a int)
returns (b int)
  declare p int;
  declare q int = 8;
  declare r int default 9;
  declare variable s int;
  declare variable t int = 10;
  declare variable u int default 11;
  <intelligent code here>
Prev: BREAKFirebird Documentation IndexUp: PSQL statementsNext: EXCEPTION
Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5 Language Ref. UpdatePSQL statements → DECLARE [VARIABLE] with initialization