Press Release: English | Русский | Português brasileiro

The primary goals for Firebird 3.0 were to unify the server architecture and to improve support for SMP and multiple-core hardware platforms. Parallel objectives were to improve threading of engine processes and the options for sharing page cache across thread and connection boundaries.

Alongside these aims came new strategies to improve performance, query optimization, monitoring and scalability and to address the demand for more security options. A number of popular features were introduced into the SQL language, including the long-awaited support for the Boolean data type and the associated logical predications.

Documentation: Release Notes (PDF available), Quick Start Guide (PDF available) and other manuals.
Linux x86
Linux AMD64
Mac OS X
Release Date File Name Size Description
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 9 MB Compressed tarball
Windows Win32
32-bit Kits
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 7 MB Windows executable installer, recommended for first-time users
January 9, 2020 12 MB Zip kit for manual/custom installs
32-bit Debug Kits (Binary + PDB components)
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 9 MB Windows executable installer (debug information included)
January 9, 2020 25 MB Zip kit for manual/custom installs (debug information included)
Windows Win64
64-bit Kits
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 9 MB Windows executable installer, recommended for first-time users
January 9, 2020 13 MB Zip kit for manual/custom installs
64-bit Debug Kits (Binary + PDB components)
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 13 MB Windows executable installer (debug information included)
January 9, 2020 27 MB Zip kit for manual/custom installs (debug information included)
Linux Linux x86
32-bit Kits
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 8 MB Compressed tarball
January 9, 2020 Firebird-debuginfo- 76 MB Debug build, compressed tarball
Linux Linux AMD64
64-bit Kits
January 9, 2020 Firebird- 8 MB Compressed tarball
January 9, 2020 Firebird-debuginfo- 80 MB Debug build, compressed tarball
Android Android
Android builds were not thoroughly tested, therefore they should be treated as experimental.
Please report any problems you experience to the development mailing list.
ARM platform
January 13, 2020 Firebird- 7 MB Compressed tarball
January 13, 2020 Firebird-withDebugInfo- 69 MB Debug build, compressed tarball
MacOS Mac OS 
Mac OS X 10.7+ 64-bit
January 13, 2020 Firebird-3.0.5-33220-x86_64.pkg 40 MB 64-bit package
January 13, 2020 Firebird-3.0.5-33220-i386.pkg 40 MB 32-bit package
January 13, 2020 Firebird-3.0.5-33220-lipo-x86_64.pkg 56 MB 64-bit lipo package