Jaybird 4.0.8 has been released
Jaybird 4.0.7 has been released
Very pleasant surprise for .NET and NodeJS users: new versions of drivers were released today.
In this article we will describe the types of Firebird internal and temp files, and also consider how they are stored and managed through configuration parameters and environment variable of OS.
The 19th Firebird Developers' Day (FDD) will be held in Piracicaba - SP, Brazil on the 8th of October.
In the article "How to install Firebird 3.0 and 4.0 on Linux" you can find the installation instruction for Firebird versions 3 and 4 on the popular Linux versions: CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7/8, Debian 9/10, Ubuntu18/20, and OpenSUSE15.0.
Free open source UDR to perform full text search queries with SQL in Firebird 3 and 4, based on Lucene++ engine
Jaybird 4.0.6 released