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Developer's Report: Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider
July 2012 to January 2013

The Visual Studio installer is done and ready and was introduced at the Firebird Conference in Luxembourg. It appears to work fine, at least no major problems have been reported.  One is pending:  because the installer runs in 32bit, it updates only the machine configuration of the 32bit branch of .NET. I'm currently investigating how to update also the 64bit branch using same installer.
Apart from "normal" work of few bug fixes and improvements to keep moving forward I did bunch of releases, notably the 3.x (3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2)
that delivered some long awaited features/fixes not available in 2.x.

Jiri Cincura
Brno, Czech Republic
July 2012 to January 2013

The Visual Studio installer is done and ready and was introduced at the Firebird Conference in Luxembourg. It appears to work fine, at least no major problems have been reported.  One is pending:  because the installer runs in 32bit, it updates only the machine configuration of the 32bit branch of .NET. I'm currently investigating how to update also the 64bit branch using same installer.
Apart from "normal" work of few bug fixes and improvements to keep moving forward I did bunch of releases, notably the 3.x (3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2)
that delivered some long awaited features/fixes not available in 2.x.

Jiri Cincura
Brno, Czech Republic