Jaybird 5.0.6.java11
Package | Description |
org.firebirdsql.ds |
Implementations of
DataSource , XADataSource ,
ConnectionPoolDataSource and related classes. |
org.firebirdsql.encodings |
Defines the supported Firebird character sets and their mapping to Java character sets.
org.firebirdsql.event |
Provides support for listening to Firebird events.
org.firebirdsql.extern.decimal |
BigDecimal to and from IEEE-754r (IEEE-754-2008) decimal byte representations. |
org.firebirdsql.gds |
Low-level APIs for accessing a Firebird database server.
org.firebirdsql.gds.impl |
This package contains classes for the pluggable GDS implementations.
org.firebirdsql.gds.impl.argument |
Arguments (code, type information and value) for
ParameterBufferBase . |
org.firebirdsql.gds.impl.jni |
Implementations of
GDSFactoryPlugin for native and embedded access. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.impl.oo |
Pure-java implementation of
GDSFactoryPlugin for use with OpenOffice/LibreOffice. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.impl.wire |
Pure-java implementation of
GDSFactoryPlugin and supporting classes. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng |
The Jaybird GDS-ng API provides the abstraction for connecting to Firebird either through a wire protocol
implementation, a native firebird client or other means.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.dbcrypt |
SPI for Firebird database encryption callback.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.dbcrypt.simple |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.dbcrypt for static responses. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.fields |
Low-level field (i.e.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.jna |
Implementation of the
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng API for accessing Firebird using fbclient (native and embedded),
using the JNA (Java Native Access) library. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.listeners |
Listener interfaces and supporting classes for the
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng API. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.monitor |
Interfaces for operation monitoring (experimental feature).
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.tz |
Mapping between Firebird and Java time zones and supporting classes.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire |
Pure-java implementation of the
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng API for the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.auth |
SPI for Firebird authentication plugins for the wire protocol implementation.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.auth.legacy |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.auth for the Legacy_Auth authentication plugin. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.auth.srp |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.auth for the Srp family of authentication plugin. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.crypt |
SPI for Firebird wire protocol encryption plugins for the wire protocol implementation, and supporting classes.
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.crypt.arc4 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.crypt for Arc4 . |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.crypt.chacha | |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version10 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 10 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version11 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 11 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version12 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 12 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version13 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 13 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version15 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 15 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version16 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 16 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire.version18 |
Implementation of
org.firebirdsql.gds.ng.wire for version 18 of the Firebird wire protocol. |
org.firebirdsql.jaybird |
Provides version information for the Jaybird library.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.fb.constants |
Constants for Firebird API values.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.parser |
Statement parser for generated keys support.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.props |
APIs and constants for connection properties for attachments to a Firebird database or service API.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.props.def |
Definition of a connection property and supporting classes.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.props.internal |
Internal API for connection properties and the definition of properties supported by Jaybird.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.props.spi |
SPI to register connection properties with Jaybird.
org.firebirdsql.jaybird.xca |
XCA (or ex-connector-architecture), is an internal API of Jaybird for connection management.
org.firebirdsql.jdbc |
Implementation of the JDBC API for the Firebird database.
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.escape |
Implementation of JDBC escapes for the Jaybird Firebird JDBC driver.
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.field |
Implementation of fields for getting or setting result set columns or prepared statement parameters.
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.metadata |
The classes in this packages support or provide parts of the implementation of
DatabaseMetaData . |
org.firebirdsql.jna.embedded |
Provides look up of Firebird Embeddded library SPIs as defined by
org.firebirdsql.jna.embedded.spi . |
org.firebirdsql.jna.embedded.classpath |
Supporting classes for implementations of
org.firebirdsql.jna.embedded.spi to provide Firebird Embedded on
the classpath. |
org.firebirdsql.jna.embedded.spi |
Defines a service provider interface to obtain Firebird Embedded library files from the class path.
org.firebirdsql.jna.fbclient |
Mappings of fbclient API for use with JNA (Java Native Access).
org.firebirdsql.logging |
API and standard implementations of logging in Jaybird.
org.firebirdsql.management |
APIs and implementation to manage or obtain information about the Firebird server or a specific database.
org.firebirdsql.util |
Utility classes for use by Jaybird.