##################################### Compliance to Python Database API 2.0 ##################################### .. currentmodule:: kinterbasdb Incompatibilities ================= .. data:: DATETIME KInterbasDB's deferred loading of dynamic type translators causes this singleton to behave in violation of the standard until the :func:`kinterbasdb.init()` function has been called (whether explicitly or implicitly). For more information, see the documnation section about `Deferred Loading of Dynamic Type Translators`. Unsupported Optional Features ============================= .. method:: Cursor.nextset() This method is not implemented because the database engine does not support opening multiple result sets simultaneously with a single cursor. Nominally Supported Optional Features ===================================== .. class:: Cursor .. attribute:: arraysize As required by the spec, the value of this attribute is observed with respect to the `fetchmany` method. However, changing the value of this attribute does not make any difference in fetch efficiency because the database engine only supports fetching a single row at a time. .. method:: setinputsizes() Although this method is present, it does nothing, as allowed by the spec. .. method:: setoutputsize() Although this method is present, it does nothing, as allowed by the spec. Extensions and Caveats ====================== KInterbasDB offers a large feature set beyond the minimal requirements of the Python DB API. Most of these extensions are documented in the section of this document entitled `Native Database Engine Features and Extensions Beyond the Python DB API`. This section attempts to document only those features that overlap with the DB API, or are too insignificant to warrant their own subsection elsewhere. .. function:: connect() This function supports the following optional keyword arguments in addition to those required by the spec: :role: For connecting to a database with a specific SQL role. *Example:* .. sourcecode:: python kinterbasdb.connect(dsn='host:/path/database.db', user='limited_user', password='pass', role='MORE_POWERFUL_ROLE') :charset: For explicitly specifying the character set of the connection. See Firebird Documentation for a list of available character sets, and `Unicode Fields and KInterbasDB` section for information on handling extended character sets with KInterbasDB. *Example:* .. sourcecode:: python kinterbasdb.connect(dsn='host:/path/database.db', user='sysdba', password='pass', charset='UTF8') :dialect: The SQL dialect is feature for backward compatibility with Interbase® 5.5 or earlier. The default dialect is `3` (the most featureful dialect, default for Firebird). If you want to connect to `legacy` databases, you must explicitly set this argument's value to `1`. Dialect `2` is a transitional dialect that is normally used only during ports from IB < 6 to IB >= 6 or Firebird. See Firebird documentation for more information about SQL Dialects. *Example:* .. sourcecode:: python kinterbasdb.connect(dsn='host:/path/database.db', user='sysdba', password='pass', dialect=1) :timeout: (`Optional`) Dictionary with timeout and action specification. See section about `Connection Timeouts `_ for details. .. class:: Connection .. attribute:: charset *(read-only)* The character set of the connection (set via the `charset` parameter of :func:`kinterbasdb.connect()`). See Firebird Documentation for a list of available character sets, and `Unicode Fields and KInterbasDB` section for information on handling extended character sets with KInterbasDB. .. attribute:: dialect This integer attribute indicates which SQL dialect the connection is using. You should not change a connection's dialect; instead, discard the connection and establish a new one with the desired dialect. For more information, see the documentation of the `dialect` argument of the `connect` function. .. attribute:: server_version *(read-only)* The version string of the database server to which this connection is connected. For example, a connection to Firebird 1.0 on Windows has the following `server_version`: `WI-V6.2.794 Firebird 1.0` .. method:: execute_immediate Executes a statement without caching its prepared form. The statement must *not* be of a type that returns a result set. In most cases (especially cases in which the same statement -- perhaps a parameterized statement -- is executed repeatedly), it is better to create a cursor using the connection's `cursor` method, then execute the statement using one of the cursor's execute methods. Arguments: :sql: String containing the SQL statement to execute. .. attribute:: precision_mode Although this attribute is present in KInterbasDB 3.1+ and works in a backward-compatible fashion, it is deprecated in favor of the more general dynamic type translation feature. .. method:: commit(retaining=False) .. method:: rollback(retaining=False) The `commit` and `rollback` methods accept an optional boolean parameter `retaining` (default `False`) that indicates whether the transactional context of the transaction being resolved should be recycled. For details, see the Advanced Transaction Control: Retaining Operations section of this document. The `rollback` method accepts an optional string parameter `savepoint` that causes the transaction to roll back only as far as the designated savepoint, rather than rolling back entirely. For details, see the Advanced Transaction Control: Savepoints section of this document. .. class:: Cursor .. attribute:: description KInterbasDB makes absolutely no guarantees about `description` except those required by the Python Database API Specification 2.0 (that is, `description` is either `None` or a sequence of 7-element sequences). Therefore, client programmers should *not* rely on `description` being an instance of a particular class or type. KInterbasDB provides several named positional constants to be used as indices into a given element of `description` . The contents of all `description` elements are defined by the DB API spec; these constants are provided merely for convenience. .. sourcecode:: python DESCRIPTION_NAME DESCRIPTION_TYPE_CODE DESCRIPTION_DISPLAY_SIZE DESCRIPTION_INTERNAL_SIZE DESCRIPTION_PRECISION DESCRIPTION_SCALE DESCRIPTION_NULL_OK Here is an example of accessing the *name* of the first field in the `description` of cursor `cur`: .. sourcecode:: python nameOfFirstField = cur.description[0][kinterbasdb.DESCRIPTION_NAME] For more information, see the documentation of Cursor.description in the `DB API Specification `__. .. attribute:: rowcount Although KInterbasDB's `Cursor`s implement this attribute, the database engine's own support for the determination of "rows affected"/"rows selected" is quirky. The database engine only supports the determination of rowcount for `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`, and `SELECT` statements. When stored procedures become involved, row count figures are usually not available to the client. Determining rowcount for `SELECT` statements is problematic: the rowcount is reported as zero until at least one row has been fetched from the result set, and the rowcount is misreported if the result set is larger than 1302 rows. The server apparently marshals result sets internally in batches of 1302, and will misreport the rowcount for result sets larger than 1302 rows until the 1303rd row is fetched, result sets larger than 2604 rows until the 2605th row is fetched, and so on, in increments of 1302. As required by the Python DB API Spec, the rowcount attribute "is -1 in case no executeXX() has been performed on the cursor or the rowcount of the last operation is not determinable by the interface". .. method:: fetchone() .. method:: fetchmany() .. method:: fetchall() KInterbasDB makes absolutely no guarantees about the return value of the `fetchone` / `fetchmany` / `fetchall` methods except that it is a sequence indexed by field position. KInterbasDB makes absolutely no guarantees about the return value of the `fetchonemap` / `fetchmanymap` / `fetchallmap` methods (documented below) except that it is a mapping of field name to field value. Therefore, client programmers should *not* rely on the return value being an instance of a particular class or type. .. method:: fetchonemap() This method is just like the standard `fetchone` method of the DB API, except that it returns a mapping of field name to field value, rather than a sequence. .. method:: fetchmanymap() This method is just like the standard `fetchmany` method of the DB API, except that it returns a sequence of mappings of field name to field value, rather than a sequence of sequences. .. method:: fetchallmap() This method is just like the standard `fetchall` method of the DB API, except that it returns a sequence of mappings of field name to field value, rather than a sequence of sequences. .. method:: iter() .. method:: itermap() These methods are equivalent to the `fetchall` and `fetchallmap` methods, respectively, except that they return iterators rather than materialized sequences. `iter` and `itermap` are exercised in this example.