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Firebird 2.5.2 Sub-release

An important change was made to the implementation of the GEN_UUID() function to make it comply properly with the requirements of RFC-4122. For more information, refer to this topic.

A bug was corrected that caused faulty byte or character order in the results of the functions CHAR_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_CHAR on big-Endian platforms. This correction will impact code that called those functions on big-Endian hosts in Firebird 2.5 or 2.5.1.

As well as many more bug fixes accumulated over the months since v.2.5.1, this sub-release provides a few minor improvements, particularly of help to administrators. In summary:

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Release NotesGeneral Notes → Firebird 2.5.2 Sub-release