Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.1 Release NotesNew Configuration Parameters and Changes → MaxFileSystemCache
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V. Khorsun

(V.2.1) Sets a threshold determining whether Firebird will allow the page cache to be duplicated to the filesystem cache or not. If this parameter is set to any (integer) value greater than zero, its effect depends on the current default size of the page cache: if the default page cache (in pages) is less than the value of MaxFileSystemCache (in pages) then filesystem caching is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.


This applies both when the page cache buffer size is set implicitly by the DefaultDBCachePages setting or explicitly as a database header attribute.



The default setting for MaxFileSystemCache is 65536 pages, i.e. filesystem caching is enabled.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.1 Release NotesNew Configuration Parameters and Changes → MaxFileSystemCache