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Repair Switches for Malformed Strings
Preserve Character Set Default Collation

Repair Switches for Malformed Strings

Adriano dos Santos Fernandes

Tracker reference CORE-1831.

The gbak utility has two new restore switches intended to repair malformed UNICODE_FSS character data and metadata, respectively, when restoring the backup of an affected database.

Switch Syntax

  -FIX_FSS_D(ATA) <charset> -- fix malformed UNICODE_FSS data
  -FIX_FSS_M(ETADATA) <charset> -- fix malformed UNICODE_FSS metadata

Hints with Malformed String Exceptions for Restores

(CORE-2754, A. dos Santos Fernandes)

When a restore fails with malformed string errors, gbak will supply a hint in verbose output, referring the user to the -FIX_FSS_METADATA and -FIX_FSS_DATA switches.

Preserve Character Set Default Collation

Adriano dos Santos Fernandes

An improvement allows the current value of RDB$DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME in the system table RDB$CHARACTER_SETS to survive the backup/restore cycle.

Tracker reference CORE-789.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Release NotesCommand-line Utilities → gbak