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Multi-action triggers
CREATE TRIGGER no longer increments table change count
PLAN allowed in trigger code


Find a more recent version at Firebird 5.0 Language Reference: TRIGGER

Available in: DSQL, ESQL

Description: Creates a trigger, i.e. a block of PSQL code that is executed automatically before or after certain mutations to a table or view.


CREATE TRIGGER name FOR {table | view}
   {BEFORE | AFTER} <action_list>
   [POSITION number]

<action_list>  ::=  <action> [OR <action> [OR <action>]]
<action>       ::=  INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE

Multi-action triggers

Added in: 1.5

Description: Triggers can now be defined to fire upon multiple operations (INSERT and/or UPDATE and/or DELETE). Three new boolean context variables (INSERTING, UPDATING and DELETING) have been added so you can execute code conditionally within the trigger body depending on the type of operation.


create trigger biu_parts for parts
  before insert or update
  /* conditional code when inserting: */
  if (inserting and is null)
    then = gen_id(gen_partrec_id, 1);
  /* common code: */
  new.partname_upper = upper(new.partname);


In multi-action triggers, both context variables OLD and NEW are always available. If you use them in the wrong situation (i.e. OLD while inserting or NEW while deleting), the following happens:

  • If you try to read their field values, NULL is returned.

  • If you try to assign values to them, a runtime exception is thrown.

CREATE TRIGGER no longer increments table change count

Changed in: 1.0

Description: In contrast to InterBase, Firebird does not increment the metadata change counter of the associated table when CREATE, ALTER or DROP TRIGGER is used. For a full discussion, see ALTER TRIGGER no longer increments table change count.

PLAN allowed in trigger code

Changed in: 1.5

Description: Before Firebird 1.5, a trigger containing a PLAN statement would be rejected by the compiler. Now a valid plan can be included and will be used.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.0 Language Ref. UpdateDDL statements → CREATE TRIGGER