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Command-line Utilities

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Retrieve Password from a File or Prompt
gpre (Precompiler)

Incompatibility with Older Clients

To enable the 32-bit tools to work correctly with new structures that enable statistics routines to work properly with a 64-bit server, it was necessary to introduce some new internal API functions (struct perf64 and perf64_xxx) and change isql and qli to use them. This means that the isql and qli programs in V.2.5 are not compatible with older Firebird clients.

For more information, see the topic Statistics Now Work Properly with 64-bit Values in the Engine chapter.


Vlad Khorsun

Tracker reference CORE-2524.

This is a new CLI utility for interfacing with the new trace facilities. Usage is as follows.-

  fbtracemgr <action> [<parameters>]

Action Switches

   -STA[RT]     Start trace session
   -STO[P]      Stop trace session
   -SU[SPEND]   Suspend trace session
   -R[ESUME]    Resume trace session
   -L[IST]      List existing trace sessions


Action parameters

 -N[AME]     <string>  Session name
 -I[D]       <number>  Session ID
 -C[ONFIG]   <string>  Trace configuration file name

Connection parameters

 -SE[RVICE]  <string>  Service name
 -U[SER]     <string>  User name
 -P[ASSWORD] <string>  Password
 -FE[TCH]    <string>  Fetch password from file
 -T[RUSTED]  <string>  Force trusted authentication

Examples using fbtracemgr

 fbtracemgr -SE remote_host:service_mgr -USER SYSDBA -PASS masterkey -LIST
 fbtracemgr -SE service_mgr -START -NAME my_trace -CONFIG my_cfg.txt
 fbtracemgr -SE service_mgr -SUSPEND -ID 2
 fbtracemgr -SE service_mgr -RESUME -ID 2
 fbtracemgr -SE service_mgr -STOP -ID 4


  1. All switches and parameter identifiers are case-insensitive

  2. To stop an interactive trace session on any platform, press Ctrl-C.

V.2.5.1 Improvements

The diagnostics of internal trace errors were improved. (Tracker reference CORE-3413).

Output is now flushed periodically. (Tracker reference CORE-3324).

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Release Notes → Command-line Utilities