Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesFirebird 1.5.6 Release Notes → General Notes
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General Notes

The Firebird 1.5 Binaries
Version Strings for Firebird 1.5 Releases

The Firebird" database engine has been developed by an independent team of voluntary developers from the InterBase® source code that was released by Borland under the InterBase Public License v.1.0 on 25 July 2000.

Development on the Firebird 2 codebase began early in Firebird 1 development, with the porting of the Firebird 1 C code to C++ and the first major code-cleaning. Firebird 1.5 was the first release of the Firebird 2 codebase. During subsequent development of Firebird 2.0 (released in November, 2006) many important bug fixes were back-ported to the v.1.5 codebase.

Firebird 1.0.x (last sub-release v.1.0.3, June 2003) is no longer in active maintenance.

The Firebird 1.5 Binaries

The Firebird binaries can be downloaded through the Firebird website Downloads area. If you are looking for unusual builds that are not linked there, you might wish to plough through Firebird's Sourceforge project download area.

Version Strings for Firebird 1.5 Releases

Win32: “WI-V1.5.0.nnnn Firebird 1.5

Linux: “LI-V1.5.0.nnnn Firebird 1.5

and so on, where “nnnn” is the build number.


These release notes are currently your only source of free up-to-date documentation of changes that happened since Firebird 1.0.x. Please refer to the Documentation section for locations of recommended documentation.

A Quick Start Guide for v.1.5 should be included in the /doc/ sub-directory of your Firebird installation. This PDF document is also available for download or can be viewed online as a web document.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesFirebird 1.5.6 Release Notes → General Notes