Who are we

The Firebird database engine has a strong following amongst the developer and user communities. Firebird Foundation is an organisation of these individuals and companies of various sizes, working together as parts of a non-profit organisation that aims to ensure the continued development of the open source Firebird relational database and related products.

The dues paid by members play an important part in directly funding development of the Firebird engine. A list of the current membership is available here. As a foundation, we are serious about maintaining a financial backbone for the database development and so our members regard it as a privilege to pay subscriptions for membership.

What does membership cost?

Membership dues are payable annually in advance, as follows:

  • Voting members pay a full subscription of $300 USD per year, which can be paid monthly if you have an Australian bank account or a PayPal account.
  • Those who wish to show their support as Associate members pay an annual subscription of $50 USD.

Renewals are due in the anniversary month of the joining date, which appears in the right-hand column of the Member List.

Firebird Foundation Join Us Now New members are always welcome: in fact, our capacity to assist Firebird's progress depends on a growing membership. If you would like to become a member, details on how to do so are available here.


Firebird Foundation Logo Sponsor In addition to the dues paid by members, sponsorship arrangements with individuals and companies form an important of the revenue raised by the Foundation to allow it to carry out its objectives.

Sponsors get a "slot" on our Sponsors page, which is an opportunity for corporate sponsors to show their image to the public.

Other Contributions

If you are interested in donating funds or equipment to the Firebird Foundation, please see our information on contributing to the project.


Legally Firebird Foundation (Inc.) is a non-profit Association incorporated and registered in the state of New South Wales, Australia (certificate INC9878828).

The Foundation takes care of the legal interests of the Firebird Project as a whole and is the owner of the "Firebird" trademark.


The affairs of the Foundation are managed by a Management Committee which is elected annually during the Annual General Meeting, by voting members of the Foundation.

The Management Committee governs in accordance with the Rules of the Association and is also mandated to create and delegate tasks to sub-committees as needs arise.

Meetings of the Foundation are generally conducted in an online forum.

The officers and members of the Management Committee elected at the 21st AGM, 2023, as required by the Rules of the Association are:

Alexey Kovyazin
Alexey Kovyazin
President (Russia)
Pavel Cisar
Pavel Cisar
Vice-President (Czechia)
Jason Wharton
Jason Wharton
Secretary/Treasurer (U.S.A.)

Jiri Cincura
Jiri Cincura
Committee (Czechia)
Fabio Codebue
Fabio Codebue
Committee (Italy)
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
Committee (Brazil)
 Lucas Franzen
Lucas Franzen
Committee (Germany)
Magnus Johansson
Magnus Johansson
Committee (Sweden)
Stephanie McColl
Stephanie McColl
Committee (Australia)
  Matthew Nielsen
Matthew Nielsen
Committee (U.S.A.)
 Roman Simakov 
Roman Simakov
Committee (Russia)
Dmitry Yemanov
Dmitry Yemanov
Committee (Russia)


Information about Firebird Foundation committee processes, decisions, finances and grants can be found on the following links:

Contact Details

The easiest way to contact Firebird Foundation is via email. For non-technical and Press contact regarding the Firebird Foundation:

Make Contact


Normal mail can be sent to our physical office address at
Firebird Foundation Incorporated
15 Oakhampton Road
NSW 2320