FBManagedConnectionFactory mcf
javax.naming.Reference jndiReference
java.lang.String description
int type
int intParam
java.lang.String strParam
int xaErrorCode
is used to allow the same
code to be used for transaction control from the XAResource,
LocalTransaction, and Connection. This code may be added to
the GDSException without obscuring the message: only at the
final level is the GDSException converted to the spec-required
exception.GDSException next
java.lang.String[] rawVersions
java.lang.String platform
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String fullVersion
int majorVersion
int minorVersion
int variant
int buildNumber
java.lang.String serverName
public java.lang.Object readResolve()
java.lang.String name
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
java.util.List<E> arguments
java.lang.String defaultEncodingName
ParameterBufferMetaData parameterBufferMetaData
int type
ArgumentType argumentType
long value
byte[] value
ArgumentType argumentType
ArgumentType argumentType
int value
java.lang.String value
byte[] asBytes
Encoding encoding
ArgumentType argumentType
DatabaseParameterBuffer dpb
private java.lang.Object readResolve() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException
javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager defaultCm
int hashCode
GDSType gdsType
FBConnectionProperties connectionProperties
TransactionParameterBuffer transactionParams
java.lang.Exception reason
java.util.Map<K,V> properties
java.lang.String type
java.lang.String database
java.lang.String tpbMapping
int defaultTransactionIsolation
java.util.Map<K,V> customMapping
FBTpbMapper mapper
javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager cm
FBManagedConnectionFactory mcf
javax.naming.Reference jndiReference
int loginTimeout
boolean[] setParams
java.util.Map<K,V> mapping
int defaultIsolationLevel
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