Class FBStatisticsManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • FBStatisticsManager

        public FBStatisticsManager()
        Create a new instance of FBMaintenanceManager based on the default GDSType.
      • FBStatisticsManager

        public FBStatisticsManager​(java.lang.String gdsType)
        Create a new instance of FBMaintenanceManager based on a given GDSType.
        gdsType - type must be PURE_JAVA, EMBEDDED, or NATIVE
      • FBStatisticsManager

        public FBStatisticsManager​(GDSType gdsType)
        Create a new instance of FBMaintenanceManager based on a given GDSType.
        gdsType - The GDS implementation type to use
    • Method Detail

      • getHeaderPage

        public void getHeaderPage()
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
        Description copied from interface: StatisticsManager
        Fetch the database statistics header page.

        The header information is written to this StatisticsManager's logger.

        Specified by:
        getHeaderPage in interface StatisticsManager
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
      • getDatabaseStatistics

        public void getDatabaseStatistics()
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
        Description copied from interface: StatisticsManager
        Get the full database statistics information, excluding system table information.

        The statistics information is written to this StatisticsManager's logger.

        The listed data includes:

        • statistics header page
        • log statistics
        • index statistics
        • data table statistics

        Invoking this method is equivalent to the default behaviour of gstat on the command-line.

        Specified by:
        getDatabaseStatistics in interface StatisticsManager
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
      • getDatabaseStatistics

        public void getDatabaseStatistics​(int options)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
        Description copied from interface: StatisticsManager
        Get specific database statistics.

        The statistics information is written to this StatisticsManager's logger. All invocations of this method will result in the header page and log data being output.

        The following options can be supplied as a bitmask:


        If this method is invoked with 0 as the options value, only the header and log statistics will be output.

        Specified by:
        getDatabaseStatistics in interface StatisticsManager
        options - A bitmask combination of DATA_TABLE_STATISTICS, SYSTEM_TABLE_STATISTICS, INDEX_STATISTICS, or RECORD_VERSION_STATISTICS. Can also be 0, which is equivalent to calling method StatisticsManager.getDatabaseStatistics()
      • getTableStatistics

        public void getTableStatistics​(java.lang.String[] tableNames)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
        Description copied from interface: StatisticsManager
        Get the table statistics.

        The statistics information is written to this StatisticsManager's logger.

        The listed data includes:

        • the primary pointer and index root page numbers
        • number of data pages and their average fill
        • fill distribution

        Invoking this method is equivalent to the behaviour of gstat -t <table name> on the command-line.

        Specified by:
        getTableStatistics in interface StatisticsManager
        tableNames - array of table names to analyze.
        java.sql.SQLException - if something went wrong.
      • getDatabaseTransactionInfo

        public static StatisticsManager.DatabaseTransactionInfo getDatabaseTransactionInfo​(java.sql.Connection connection)
                                                                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
        Get transaction information for an existing database connection.
        connection - Database connection; must unwrap to FirebirdConnection.
        Database transaction information
        java.sql.SQLException - If connection does not unwrap to FirebirdConnection, or for failures to retrieve information