Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.0.6 Release NotesNew in Firebird 2.0 → Debugging Improvements
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Debugging Improvements

Various Contributors

Improved Reporting from Bugchecks
Updated Internal Structure Reporting
New Debug Logging Facilities
Diagnostic Enhancement

Improved Reporting from Bugchecks

BUGCHECK log messages now include file name and line number. (A. Brinkman)

Updated Internal Structure Reporting

Routines that print out various internal structures (DSQL node tree, BLR, DYN, etc) have been updated. (N. Samofatov)

New Debug Logging Facilities

Thread-safe and signal-safe debug logging facilities have been implemented. (N. Samofatov)

Diagnostic Enhancement

Syslog messages will be copied to the user's tty if a process is attached to it. (A. Peshkov)

Prev: Record Enumeration Limits IncreasedFirebird Documentation IndexUp: New in Firebird 2.0Next: Improved Connection Handling on POSIX Superserver
Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.0.6 Release NotesNew in Firebird 2.0 → Debugging Improvements