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Firebird Vulcan Internals

Object Lifetime Management
Thread Data
System Tables
Exception Handling
Class Encapsulation
Namespace Management

Object Lifetime Management

Firebird Vulcan supports memory pools, but release-by-pool is deprecated. All new and revised code explicitly releases objects allocated. All objects track resources they allocate and release any remaining allocated resources in the class destructor.

Thread Data

The use of thread specific data other than thread management itself is deprecated. The “thread database” object has been retained, but is passed as a formal parameter to all methods and functions where it is required.

System Tables

At one point the memory and processing necessary to maintain names was significant. Processor speed and memory cost have eliminated the benefit of that optimization, and Firebird Vulcan now uses names rather than identifiers. This change will allow “soft” system tables--system tables that accept and preserve user extensions.

Exception Handling

In most cases, Firebird Vulcan exceptions are thrown and caught as instances of the OSRIException class. The OSRIException carries the full context (information load) of the exception, eliminating the need to find a target status vector in order to throw an exception.

Class Encapsulation

Numerous internal mechanisms have been encapsulated as C++ classes including BLR generation, message formatting, message lookup, the mover, status vector, SQL parser, a string class, handle management, etc.

Namespace Management

Firebird Vulcan contains a great amount of code shared between the engine, the Y-valve, other providers, and external components. To promote code sharing while preserving architectural borders, shared Firebird Vulcan classes are qualified by soft, component-specific namespaces declared in the build configuration.

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Vulcan Release Notes v. 1.1Process Architecture → Firebird Vulcan Internals